How to Use Fresh Herbs


不管你是自己种植还是在市场上买, fresh herbs can wake up any recipe, along with your taste buds, with fresh and bold flavor, without adding salt flavor. 有关如何储存新鲜草药的建议,请查看 Tis the Seasonings article. 了解某些草药的味道以及如何将它们的味道与最合适的菜肴搭配, read on:


  • Flavor: Sweet and fresh
  • Prep: 罗勒叶很脆弱,所以需要一把锋利的刀. 把它们卷紧,慢慢切片或切碎.
  • Tips: 上菜前加到菜里. 在大多数食谱中,罗勒可以代替薄荷.
  • Pair with: Tomato sauce (no added salt), pastas, salads, low sodium salad dressings, low-sodium pizza, low-sodium soups, summer vegetables, eggs, chicken and fish dishes
  • Simple Dish: 将番茄片、低脂低钠马苏里拉奶酪和罗勒叶分层. 淋上橄榄油和少许黑胡椒.


  • Flavor: Refreshing
  • Prep: 香菜也很精致,需要轻轻切碎.
  • Tips: 不要煮新鲜的香菜,而是在上菜前加到菜里.
  • Pair with: Beans, tomatoes, corn, peppers, avocados, rice, salads, 低钠沙拉酱和低钠, low-fat yogurt sauce
  • Simple Dish: Mix together black beans, corn, chopped red bell pepper, chopped jalapeño pepper, 香菜和挤一点酸橙汁.


  • Flavor: Sweet and cool
  • Prep: 因为薄荷和罗勒很像,所以用同样的方法准备.
  • Tips: 口香糖和牙膏是薄荷味的是有原因的,你可以咀嚼它来获得一个干净的口腔!
  • Pair with: Fruit cups, carrots, cucumbers, salads, peas, lamb, beans, desserts, unsweetened ice tea, 水和不加糖的低脂酸奶
  • Simple Dish: Chop up watermelon and cantaloupe. 在水果上淋上薄荷和低脂香草酸奶的混合物.


  • Flavor: Earthy
  • Prep: Strip the leaves from the stem. 在使用前将茎部丢弃,并将叶子切碎.
  • Tips: 希腊菜中常见的组合是牛至、薄荷和柠檬.
  • Pair with: Tomatoes, no-added-salt tomato sauce, zucchini, potatoes, peppers, beans, mushrooms, eggs, low-sodium soups, salad, low-sodium pizza, pastas, oily fish and poultry
  • Simple Dish: 将柠檬汁、橄榄油、醋、牛至和薄荷搅拌均匀. Pour over cooked red potatoes.


  • Flavor: 清淡新鲜(意大利平叶). Slightly peppery (curly)
  • Prep: Gently chop both stems and leaves. 在烹饪的最后几分钟或上菜前加入.
  • Tips: 意大利平叶欧芹看起来有点像香菜,因其清淡新鲜的味道,在菜肴中用途最广. 卷叶欧芹有小小的卷叶.
  • Pair with: Chicken, egg dishes, fish, seafood, low-sodium soups, salads, potatoes, pasta, tomatoes, no-salt-added tomato sauce, carrots and eggplant
  • Simple Dish: 将橄榄油、柠檬汁、欧芹、薄荷、大蒜和香葱搅拌均匀. 配以鳕鱼或比目鱼等烤白鱼食用.


  • Flavor: Woodsy and lemony
  • Prep: 捏住你的手指和拇指在茎的顶部,坚定地向下拉树枝的长度,以去除叶子. 去掉茎,切好叶子.
  • Tips: 因为迷迭香是一种味道强烈的草药,所以要少量使用.
  • Pair with: Roasted root vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, oily fish, shrimp, pears, apples, 富含纤维的全麦面包和低钠汤
  • Simple Dish: 用迷迭香枝条做烤虾串.


  • Flavor: Lemony and light
  • Prep: 像准备迷迭香一样去除叶子,但要更轻柔,因为百里香很脆弱. 因为叶子很小,你不需要把它们切碎.
  • Tips: 在烹饪过程开始时加入,以获得最佳风味.
  • Pair with: Chicken, carrots, corn, mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, green beans and low-sodium: soups, chowders, stews
  • Simple Dish: 在烤盘中加入切碎的西红柿、洋葱、橄榄油和百里香. 在300度的温度下慢烤一小时,美味的粗粒西红柿浇头就做成了全麦意大利面.

Last reviewed 1/2015


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