How to Get Your Family Active

father and son playing basketball outdoors

As you juggle work and family, be mindful that research shows active parents raise active children. 健身 should always be a priority in a family’s daily schedule.

American Heart Association recommends that children stay active throughout the day. Kids age six and older should get at least an hour of moderate to vigorous activity 每一天. This will help them maintain a healthy weight and keep their hearts, brains and bodies healthy.

While an hour each day might sound like a large chunk of time, there are many ways to incorporate activity into your family’s routine. 这些都加起来了.


  • 享受户外活动! Schedule a time each day for an outdoor activity with your children. Hike a local nature trail or ride a bicycle path.
  • Schedule family playtime. Take a walk or play a game of tag after dinner each night. Choose activities that require movement, such as bowling, catch or miniature golf.
  • 明智地选择玩具. Give children toys that encourage physical activity, 比如球, 风筝, skateboards and jump ropes.
  • 限制屏幕线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Experts warn that one to two hours of screen time a day should be the limit for children, but some are logging more than double that amount. 设定界限, keep the television and electronic media out of your child's bedroom and limit computer usage to school projects.
  • 种植花园. Caring for plants gives your children a reason to get outside each day. Learning how to grow a garden teaches the food system while sampling the harvest encourages healthy eating habits.
  • 分担家务. Rake leaves, shovel snow and do other home-maintenance projects as a family. In the end, your home will be better off and so will your family’s health.

25 ways to get kids moving at home

Need to Keep Kids Active While 的y're Out of School?

Try some of these creative and fun ideas!