

在心脏病发作或诊断后出院的头几天或几周可能会很可怕, 混乱的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. You may be taking new medications 和 following many new instructions. You may sometimes feel as if your world has changed.



心脏康复的目标是帮助你学会减少危险因素,比如吸烟, 高血压, 高胆固醇, 缺乏身体活动, 糖尿病和超重会增加你未来出现健康问题的几率.

美国心脏协会和美国心脏病学会已经制定了国家指南来帮助你减少未来问题的风险. 这些指导方针可以帮助你的医疗团队制定治疗计划,包括药物治疗和生活方式的改变,如饮食和体育锻炼,针对你所有的风险因素. 确保你知道你的目标数字,并与你的医疗团队一起实现它们.



在美国,吸烟是导致死亡和残疾的主要可预防原因. Cigarette smoking results in a much higher risk of dying of 冠心病. 吸烟会剥夺心脏中富含氧气的血液,并增加其他危险因素的影响, 包括血压, blood cholesterol levels 和 缺乏身体活动. 考虑辞职? 我们可以帮忙.


正常血压小于120/80 mm Hg(收缩压小于120,舒张压小于80). Elevated is systolic 压力 from 120-129 AND diastolic 压力 less than 80. 高血压是指收缩压超过130或舒张压超过80.

When blood 压力 is higher, your heart has to work harder. Changes in health habits such as losing weight, 少吃钠 (salt) 和 engaging in regular 体育活动 can help lower blood 压力. 如果你有高血压, staying on your medications is critical to prevent 心脏病s, 中风, 肾病和心力衰竭.

Monitor your blood 压力 as your health care professional advises. 用我们的 血压日志(PDF).




如果你的身体产生过多的胆固醇,或者你吃了太多饱和脂肪和反式脂肪的食物,就会出现高血胆固醇. For people with 冠心病 who are at high risk, treatment focuses on reducing cholesterol. 为了降低胆固醇,你可能需要改变你的饮食习惯和减肥. 询问你的医疗保健专业人员,你是否应该在改变这些生活方式的同时服用胆固醇药物.




有规律的体育锻炼有很多好处,比如帮助你戒烟、减肥、 减轻压力, 睡得更好, lower blood 压力 和 increase HDL cholesterol. 做有氧运动——使用腿部和手臂的大块肌肉——可以帮助你的心脏更有效地工作. Physical activities to improve your strength, 随着年龄的增长,灵活性和平衡性可以帮助你保持敏捷,减少跌倒的风险.




你的腰围也有助于决定你是否需要减肥——你所需要的只是一个普通的卷尺. 理想的腰围是男性不超过40英寸,女性不超过35英寸. (对亚裔的建议更低:男性37-39英寸,女性31-35英寸.)

减肥可以帮助降低血压,改善胆固醇和血糖. The tips 和 tools on this website can help you lose five to 10 pounds. 

了解更多关于 eating right 和 losing weight.


Normal fasting blood glucose is less than 100 mg/dL.


如果你是糖尿病患者, an HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) level below 7% is recommended, but your safe range may be lower or higher.

控制糖尿病对你的长期健康很重要,特别是如果你有心脏病. 糖尿病最好通过饮食控制, 减肥, 体育活动, medications 和 regular monitoring of your blood sugar. Many studies have shown that medications such as statins, 阿斯匹林, ACE抑制剂和受体阻滞剂, which lower the risk of future heart problems, have even greater benefit in people with diabetes. 这就是为什么开始并继续服用这些药物对你来说很重要. They can help to lower your cholesterol 和 blood 压力, which will decrease your risk of 心脏病, 中风和肾病.



You need to know, 和 know what to do about, symptoms that may suggest a 心脏病 or 中风. 快速反应是关键. 如果您有任何列出的症状, call 911 immediately or have someone take you to the nearest emergency room.


  • 胸部不适. 大多数心脏病发作包括胸部中心的不适,这种不适持续几分钟以上,或者消失后又出现. It can feel like uncomfortable 压力, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. 症状包括一只或两只手臂、背部、颈部、下巴或胃部疼痛或不适.
  • 呼吸急促(气促) 有或没有胸部不适.
  • 其它迹象 may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.


  • 麻木或虚弱 of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • 混乱说话或理解困难.
  • 麻烦看到 一只眼睛或两只眼睛.
  • 麻烦走, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • 严重的头痛 原因不明.

“F.A.S.T.” is an easy way to remember how to recognize a 中风 和 what to do.
发现中风 快速:


Not all these signs occur in every 心脏病 or 中风. 有时他们走了又回来. 如果出现这种情况,请立即寻求帮助. Every minute counts if you're having a 心脏病 or 中风. The sooner you get medical help, the more likely you are to recover. 

不要拖延——如果你行动迅速,你的心脏或大脑就不会受到严重伤害. Learn these symptoms 和 share them with your family, friends 和 caregivers.

Women sometimes have different symptoms than men, so learn the 女性心脏病发作的征兆.


心绞痛通常感觉像挤压, 燃烧, 压力, heaviness or tightness under the breastbone. It may also spread to one or both arms, your back, neck, jaw or stomach. 有些人,尤其是女性和糖尿病患者,可能没有典型的胸部不适. Their symptoms may be shortness of breath or feeling very tired. 

Tell your health care professional if you think you're having angina. 了解心绞痛发生的频率将有助于他们决定你是否需要改变你的药物或其他治疗方法. 你可以使用 心绞痛日志(PDF) 记录下你的症状.

了解更多关于 心绞痛不稳定性心绞痛.

Your health care professional might give you a prescription for nitroglycerin. 这种药物有片剂或喷雾形式,可以立即缓解心绞痛.

If you don't have relief of your angina pain after taking your nitroglycerin, 你或你的家人应该拨打911或你的紧急响应电话,这样你就可以马上去医院.

Nitroglycerin tablets may lose their strength, so throw them away after six months 和 get a new supply. Nitroglycerin comes in a small, easy-to-carry container. Keep several tablets with you at all times.

You should always report these changes to your health care team:

  • 任何新的胸部不适(心绞痛)
    OR any change in how often, how intensely or how long you have it.
  • Any new shortness of breath, especially with 体育活动.
  • 感觉特别累.
  • 感到头晕或昏厥.

Goal 3: Make a plan for getting medical help

如果你知道不适和其他令人担忧的症状该打电话给谁,你和你爱的人会感觉更好,也会做好更充分的准备. Your early response to symptoms may prevent an emergency.


  • 你可以在什么线上电子游戏飞禽走兽和什么时候联系到你的医疗保健专业人员的办公室或接听服务.
  • If you can contact another health care professional if yours isn't available.
  • Whether you have telephone access to an advice nurse or care manager.



还记得 — if you think you're having symptoms of a 心脏病 or 中风, call 911 or have someone take you to the nearest emergency room immediately.

Mindfulness Tip from a Heart Attack Survivor


“练习正念冥想和瑜伽有助于稳定我的思想,让我适应身体的感觉,让我专注于这一次呼吸。, 就在这一刻. When the world around me is swirling 和 things feel out of control, 我被提醒停下来, connect to my heart 和 allow my breath to flow gently, releasing anxiety 和 worry 和 calling in strength 和 peace.”

Real Women Class 2023 Dina Pinelli doing yoga outside