
By Deborah Lynn Blumberg, American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

Farah Siddiqi (left) with her father, Qamar马苏德. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)
Farah Siddiqi (left) with her father, Qamar马苏德. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)

When Beyoncé and Taylor Swift toured Missouri last summer, 广播记者Farah Siddiqi利用他们的出现来教人们心肺复苏术.

她写了一篇文章,解释了碧昂斯的《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》和斯威夫特的《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》等歌曲如何帮助人们在进行心肺复苏术时保持每分钟100-120次的心跳. She also noted that when a bystander performs 心肺复苏, the person's chances of survival can double or triple.

Siddiqi was especially interested because her father, Qamar马苏德, survived a heart attack 26 years earlier.

几天后 Siddiqi's story came out, Masood's heart stopped. Siddiqi happened to be there. And she kept a steady rhythm as she performed 心肺复苏 on her dad.

巴基斯坦移民, 卡马尔和他的妻子, Sadaf, raised Siddiqi and her two siblings in Ottawa, 加拿大. 西迪奇16岁的时候,她本来要和卡马尔一起去卡尔加里出差参加一个会议.

A few days before they were to leave, 一天早上,西迪奇醒来,看到一辆救护车和消防车的明亮灯光停在他们牧场式的家外面. 她跑下楼,发现41岁的父亲躺在沙发上,周围都是急救医生.

Because Qamar had bouts of indigestion for years, he knew what he felt that morning was more severe, prompting the call for an ambulance. 他原来是心脏病发作,原因是心脏最大的动脉完全堵塞.

He started medication to help clear his clogged arteries. 十年后,他的胸部植入了起搏器和除颤器. 这种装置将帮助他的心脏以正常的速度跳动,并通过电击来恢复他的心跳, 如果需要.

心脏病发作后, 卡马尔全身心地投入到他的工作中——他拥有汽车机械店和一家由餐馆转型的餐饮公司——以及他的志愿者工作.

"He felt better when volunteering," Sadaf said.

He helped Pakistani refugee families settle in Ottawa, worked tirelessly to organize community fundraisers, and volunteered at their local church, mosque and in soup kitchens. On weekends, he led the family on beach cleanups.

他想确保他所做的每一件事都能让他在上帝的眼中在天堂占有一席之地,西迪奇说. "He really wanted to leave a legacy behind."

Qamar马苏德 (right) with his wife, Sadaf, 他在加拿大的一个仪式上接受了志愿者奖. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)
卡马尔·马苏德(右)和他的妻子萨达夫获得了志愿者奖 at a ceremony in 加拿大. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)

In 2022, Siddiqi was living in Dubai. Qamar's heart problems had gotten far worse. He was in heart failure. He had so much trouble sleeping he had to sleep sitting up.

He'd never taken part in Hajj or Umrah, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city in the world for Muslims. 他认为为了灵魂的救赎,冒着健康的风险是值得的.

这并不容易. Poor air quality made him huff and puff even more than usual.


"It was by far a dream for him,西迪奇说.

Farah Siddiqi (second from right) and her dad, Qamar马苏德 (fourth from right), with family in Dubai a week before the pilgrimage. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)
Farah Siddiqi (second from right) and her dad, Qamar马苏德 (fourth from right), with family in Dubai a week before the pilgrimage. (Photo courtesy of Farah Siddiqi)

回到加拿大后不久,卡马尔的COVID-19检测呈阳性. 十天后, 他要在一个慈善舞会上发表演讲,这个慈善舞会是他为一个青年社区中心策划了几个月的.

Siddiqi's cousin went and texted her. "He's sweating profusely," she wrote. “他上气不接下气." But Qamar kept speaking and he got a standing ovation.

Later, Siddiqi called her dad to check in. As they spoke, he felt a strange sensation in his chest. His defibrillator, he thought. He went to the hospital.

In the emergency room, his defibrillator shocked him 32 times. Doctors put him on a ventilator. He was unconscious for nine days. Siddiqi and her mother and siblings didn't think he'd survive.

但是卡马尔醒了. He got off the ventilator and was able to go home.

不到一年后,西迪奇和她的丈夫以及她的四个孩子住在田纳西州. They visited her parents in 加拿大. They had a busy day running errands and seeing a movie. 卡马尔呆在家里. They brought him leftover popcorn.

The family stayed up until 2 a.m. 聊天. 大家入睡一小时后,西迪奇听到一阵响声,她妈妈尖叫起来. She ran into her parents' room. Her father was on the floor, unresponsive.

Her mother and brother, who also was there, started to pray.

Siddiqi jumped into action.

"I knew what to do from the story I'd done,她说.


“爸爸!她喊道. “爸爸,回来吧!"

On the third compression, she felt his breath.

In the ambulance, Qamar was alert and talking.

"We weren't necessarily expecting him to come home,西迪奇说, “但我们很感激,我们没有以这种痛苦的方式失去他."

Two days later, Qamar died peacefully in the hospital. 他身边有几十个家庭成员通过极速与200多个家庭成员有联系. 西迪奇和她的兄弟姐妹们与父亲进行了最后的对话. 他分享了人生经验.

"心肺复苏 gave us time for goodbyes, 适当的关闭, and a really fantastic and peaceful closure to my dad's life,她说. “我感到非常自信,对这些救生技能感到非常感激. You never know when you might need them. Some may call our story coincidence, but I call it fate."

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 Stories

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