心脏健康报告旨在支持研究, boost care for LGBTQ patients

美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽,Michael Merschel报道

sasirin pamai/iStock,盖蒂图片社
(sasirin pamai/iStock,盖蒂图片社)

LGBTQ adults face distinct threats to their heart health – and health care providers can do more to identify and thwart those risks, 说s a new report that aims to point the way toward better research and care.

这份报告, issued Thursday as a 科学声明 from the 美国心脏协会, 汇集了科学家们对LGBTQ健康的了解, 突出显示已知问题并确定差距, 博士说. Nicole Rosendale是撰写该报告的委员会成员之一.

It aims to serve as a "one-stop shop" for heart health findings on a group that in the past has been "largely invisible within health care research and studies,罗森代尔说, 加州大学神经学助理教授, 旧金山.


– Bisexual men have twice the odds of having high blood pressure as heterosexual men.

– LGBTQ adults, particularly women, are more likely to use tobacco than other adults.

男同性恋者的肥胖率与异性恋者相似或更低, but lesbian and bisexual women tend to have higher obesity rates than heterosexual women.

-睡眠线上电子游戏飞禽走兽短, 是高血压的危险因素, 糖尿病和心脏病, is more common among lesbian and bisexual women than heterosexual women.

科学声明 emphasizes that stress is thought to be a significant factor in health differences for LGBTQ people, 比利说. Caceres, chair of the committee that wrote the report, published in the AHA journal Circulation. Some of those stressors are higher rates of poverty, especially in rural areas.

也, “他们会经历歧视之类的事情, or fear of coming out to their family or even their health care providers, 因为他们觉得自己会受到不一样的对待,卡塞雷斯说, an assistant professor at Columbia University School of Nursing in New York. 还有那些事情, 除了生活中所有的压力之外, 可能会增加他们健康状况不佳的风险, 包括心血管疾病."

Many LGBTQ people in the United States had no legal protection from discrimination on the job until a U.S. 最高法院六月的裁决.

“在人际关系层面, 我们每天都能感受到歧视, 你要么被人叫名字, 你在哪里被言语骚扰, or somebody treats you differently because of either your actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,卡塞雷斯说.

这包括在医生的办公室. Many LGBTQ people report having experienced some form of discrimination, 包括使用辱骂性语言和拒绝服务, 报告指出.

压力 一般来说对心脏不好, 这会导致不健康的应对行为, 比如吸烟或暴饮暴食, 随着线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的推移会造成伤害吗, 卡塞雷斯表示. "It's not that you get discriminated against and then you all of a sudden develop hypertension, 然后患上心脏病. 而是这些都是长期的, 你不断重复的慢性压力源, 作为一个LGBTQ人, 暴露于."

但是压力和心脏健康之间的确切联系是复杂的, 这就是为什么报告呼吁进行更多的研究, 尤其是在性取向和种族重叠的领域. 做这样的研究, health care professionals need to ask their patients questions related to sexual orientation and gender identity.


他说:“他们觉得病人会被它吓跑。. “他们觉得他们会冒犯非LGBTQ的患者. 或者他们觉得病人不会说实话."

But doing so as part of the routine gathering of demographic information, 同时对采集人员进行适当的培训, 能提供更好治疗的数据吗, 他和罗森代尔说.

与此同时, health care providers could use the information in the report to provide better care right now, Rosendale说.

了解研究的内容, 说, LGBTQ人群吸烟的风险更高, 或者很难负担健康的饮食, or living in an unsafe home because of discrimination could give a doctor important background knowledge for talking to a patient. 它可以帮助医生说, "I'm going to partner with you to help you be as healthy as possible" and come up with a plan, Rosendale说.

LGBTQ people as a group should not be thought of as fragile, she said. "I do think that there is an immense amount of resilience and strength within the LGBTQ community. 即使只是从历史的角度来看. 你知道, we've been through a lot over the years and are still fighting in terms of getting equitable access to a number of basic rights – health care being one of them."

但是了解心脏健康之间的联系, sexual orientation and gender identity is a basis for progress for LGBTQ people and everyone who cares for them, Rosendale说. “知识就是力量,没错?"

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