

每年,策划欺诈和诈骗的个人使用巧妙的计划来欺骗数百万人. They often combine sophisticated technology with age-old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. 他们在老方案中加入了新的花样,包括, 有时, 使用美国心脏协会的名称或内容.


The AHA recommends that you be vigilant 和 suspicious of any email that asks you to provide your email password, 或敏感的个人信息,如社会保险号, 信用卡号码或驾驶执照号码. 美国心脏协会绝不会通过电子邮件询问这些信息.


美国心脏协会和美国中风协会不认可产品或服务. 任何声称美国心脏协会认可某一特定商业产品的声明, 过程, 服务或企业都不真实.

The 美国心脏协会 may certify specific products or services that have met specific criteria. Please visit these links for more information on our Hospital Certification Program 和 Heart-Check Program.


美国心脏协会不认证培训师, 其他机构开设的医生或培训课程. 任何声称培训产品或材料是“AHA认证”的," " AHA批准,“符合AHA标准”或“由AHA认证人员创建”, “AHA”是指美国心脏协会, 都不是真的.


如果你怀疑有电话招揽, emails or other communications are making fraudulent claims related to the 美国心脏协会 or 美国中风协会, 请立即致电1-800-242-8721或 (电子邮件保护). We also urge anyone receiving fake solicitations to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission by calling the FTC at: 877-FTC-HELP or online at reportfraud.联邦贸易委员会.政府你们州总检察长消费者保护办公室,以及当地执法部门.



The 美国心脏协会 warns that false information about COVID vaccination 和 heart defects attributed to the Association is spreading. The misinformation is incorrectly connected to a recent scientific paper on cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome.

美国心脏协会2023年心脏肾脏代谢健康科学声明, 详情见 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上, 总统顾问手稿不包括任何关于covid -19疫苗接种或任何种类疫苗的提及.

These false articles 和 accompanying social media posts are misleading 和 make connections that cannot be attributed to the 美国心脏协会 or its scientific statement. The articles do not reflect the Association's policy or position 和 the organization’s name was used without permission. 该协会支持COVID-19疫苗安全有效.




这些信息不反映协会的政策或立场, 而且我们的标志未经允许就被使用了. 美国心脏协会支持COVID疫苗接种. 了解事实查找COVID-19疫苗接种问题的答案.

2021年8月: The 美国心脏协会 has issued a cease 和 desist letter to a company advertising “keto diet pills” using the Association’s name 和 logo. 我们已经在网络游戏和应用程序上看到了弹出式广告. 这是未经授权的使用. 美国心脏协会不建议用补充剂或药片来减肥,也从不认可任何产品. 美国官员.S. 食物 & Drug Administration (FDA) warn that dietary supplements do not require approval before they are marketed. 官方敦促消费者注意以下警告信号:

  • 承诺快速解决问题,例如“一周减掉10磅”."
  • 使用“保证”或“科学突破”等字眼."
  • 作为fda批准的药物的草药替代品销售的产品, 或者有类似处方药的效果.

特别是当涉及到饮食和减肥时,如果听起来好得令人难以置信,那就是真的. 不要被骗了.


It has come to the AHA’s attention that someone is posing as a Senior Hiring Manager at the AHA in Texas 和 contacting individuals to interview them for jobs. 这个人使用的其中一个名字是克雷格·刘易斯.  请注意这是一个骗局.  这个人或几个人试图获得你的私人信息.  在某些情况下, 他们可能会寄支票给你, 让你兑现支票,把钱汇回给他们.  其他时候,他们会要求你提供个人信息,比如你的社会保险号.  美国心脏协会不会联系任何人,要求提供帐户密码等个人信息, 个人识别号码(pin)或社会安全号码. 不要向不认识的人提供任何个人或财务信息, 无论是电话还是电子邮件. 请参阅 如何发现、避免和报告假支票骗局.(链接在新窗口中打开)

The AHA routinely contacts applicants by phone 和 email but NOT by text or instant messaging services. The AHA will only contact c和idates that have either applied online or were contacted via email through our LinkedIn Recruiter tool.


了解更多信息 全国网络诈骗监视信息中心(链接在新窗口中打开).

  • 美国心脏协会已经注意到一些自称来自“美国心脏”的人 & 他试图向毫无戒心的家庭出售保险. The sales person was very persistent 和 tried to gain entry to the home to provide “information” about the insurance.

美国心脏协会不销售或认可保险或任何类似的产品. 美国心脏协会也不强迫人们捐款或购买产品. 尤其是在节假日期间, potential criminals will try creative ways to get into a person’s home or learn about valuable items in their home. 如果你担心这个人可能在合法地为AHA筹集资金, 但见到他们却不舒服, 通过电话或电子邮件提供信息, 或者允许他们进入你的家, ask the solicitor to mail the information to you or leave it on your doorstep with a phone number 和 address where you can contact them later. 如果有人向你推销他们声称已经批准的产品, 由美国心脏协会或美国中风协会赞助或提供, 立即向当地执法部门报告.

  • 美国各地的住宅.S. 正在接到一家自称是美国老年福利公司的自动电话. 这些电话敦促老年人获得免费的医疗警报系统, 得到了美国心脏协会的认可.“显然, 在连接到一个活生生的人之后, 消费者了解到,医疗警报系统需要持续每月的维护费.

美国心脏协会不认可产品. 另外,我们还没有确认是否有人收到过这个产品. 有一家叫做美国老年福利的合法公司没有打这些电话. Both the “real” American Senior Benefits company 和 the 美国心脏协会 have complained to the Federal Trade Commission.

  • 许多网站声称提供在线培训, including 心肺复苏 training that is “AHA Compliant” even though the organizations are not 美国心脏协会-authorized training centers. These sites may claim to offer online training with no skills checks or instant electronic course cards available upon completion of the online training.

美国心脏协会不批准其他组织开设的培训课程, does not allow its course completion cards to be given to students who do not complete the skills check portion of 美国心脏协会 training, 也没有“符合美国航空协会”的培训课程或“美国航空协会认证”的专业人员进行培训. An organization that has been approved to issue cards with the AHA logo upon successful completion of an AHA training course should display the “Authorized Training Center” logo to help you know they are authorized. You should check with your present or prospective employer about the course completion cards they will accept before paying anyone for training intended to gain or retain your training status.

  • We have learned of a website that advertised copies of training course exam questions with the answers for sale. 该网站显然是一个窃取信用卡信息的计划的一部分. 我们已经向有关当局报告了现场情况. 在另一种情况下, people were discovered selling training course completion cards to individuals who had not taken the courses or demonstrated their skills. 在向地方当局报告该计划后,逮捕了几人.

The 美国心脏协会 does not sell or permit others to sell the actual examinations used to confirm a student’s completion of 心肺复苏, acl, PALS或任何其他培训. Anyone who attempts to sell such information — or offer a course completion card for sale to anyone who has not met the training requirements — is probably doing so illegally 和 attempting to steal your personal or financial information.

  • 最近,一位雇主报告说,他收到了一张如下所示的课程结业卡. This fillable PDF card is a form completed on a computer 和 is not a valid Laerdal or AHA Training Center course completion card.


The 美国心脏协会's Authorized Training Centers will not send you an electronic course completion card that you fill in online. 如果你收到其中一个, 请立即向美国心脏协会报告, 还有你知道的关于它来源的信息.